Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Weight Loss and Getting Healthy!

So I am really trying to loose weight and get healthy again.  Getting a divorce can either help your body or hurt it - it my case it's hurt it.   I eat when I'm sad.

Anyways I really want to share some articles and photos that I find very inspiring.

So here's one - I LOVE LOVE LOVE this girls's weight loss blog.  She has a really inspiring story and lots of great tips.

(The only thing.. I'm not sure the blog title is sending the correct message.. But I think she's trying to be funny)


Monday, June 18, 2012

On the Lighter Side...

I have been in such a blah mood lately that I wanted to share some stuff that makes me laugh.. Hopefully it will perk up your day as well! As well as tossing in some info about some of my favorite products! Enjoy.

this happens to me...

This happens to me... solution? Paul Mitchell Super Skinny Serum.  It's low priced - you only need a dime sized and it lasts FOREVER!
Paul Mitchell Super Skinny Serum (Select Size)

This is so silly - but I'm pretty silly..
haha easily amused

(This reminds me of a potato face mask I once tried)


So I have had problems with my weight - just like any normal woman and this always makes me laugh.  SKINNY BITCHES!

Hope so!

Also - if you haven't noticed - I DO cuss... So I'm sorry.  NOT really.


I love Snookie but this reminds me of her..

BTW I think this is a fan-tab-ulous outfit.. I might just have to wear this to work one day.
 (Hopefully you know I'm kidding..lol)

Not your best moment Snooks...

I love someecards :)

Last but not least..

winking dog



So July 4th is coming up and I will be having a party!  I just moved into a new apartment and I want to have friends over to celebrate!  Here are some of the things I'll be doing.. (Courtesy of Pinterest)

Memorial Day & 4th of July!!

Love this.. Looks so easy.

4th of July yummies.

For Snacks - YUMMY!

4th of july

If I had the time and money to make this in time ^ :)

Other than that just BURGERS AND BEER!  USA Staples!  Should be fun!

Other than Thursday Morning when I look like this..


No way... for real - more like this...



Dry Skin Brushing!


(Cellulite, acne, stretch marks, spider veins)

I just discovered the BEST thing that I want to share with you.  DRY BODY BRUSHING!

This website talks about Dry Skin Brushing as a way of detoxing your skin.. It IS our biggest organ and we need to take care of it!


The AWESOME part about the whole thing is that one of these brushes only costs about $6 dollars.  I got mine at Drugstore.com

Earth Therapeutics Massage Brush


If you brush your skin before you take a shower each day ( I mean everywhere - face, neck, arms, stomach, butt, legs) not only are you making your skin heal faster and produce more NEW/FRESH skins cells ( making it look more young and radiant) but you are also massaging the skin reducing the appearance or presence of scars, acne, spider veins and cellulite.

I LOVE this!  Also, after I dry brush and shower - while still wet - I apply body oil to my entire body them pat dry.  It says to do this in that article but I have been doing this for years.  I have used baby oil (very cheap) or a cheap olive oil mixed with other good oil such as almond oil and castor oil. My skin just soaks it up!  I have noticed a major difference!  Give it a try and let me know. :)


Well life sure moves fast  - I was living in Canada (big mistake) and got married too young to someone who doesn't even had/HAS major anger issues.  I'm back home now where I belong - but now going through a divorce.  Not the happiest thing to report - but what can you do.  Other than pray and talk to my friends as often as possible.  Then move on. 

New stuff to talk about.. I had these grand plans for this blog when I first started it.  Like sharing my favorite recipes, makeup tips, decorating tips.  Like a mini Martha Stewart/beauty/trash talk blog.  So lets start again.

I want to share some of the stuff that I'm curently working on and anything else that might come to mind.  The beauty of the whole thing - I love to write so just posting these things are like therapy - the other thing - If you don't want to read them - YOU DON'T HAVE TO!  So any negative comments will be deleted! (Although I WILL throw a "mental water balloon" at you before that) haha.