Friday, July 27, 2012

Pinterest Pins I WANT to try


I will be on a mission this weekend to find the objects for my next few projects..


This woman inspired me to go looking at all those "old" and "outdated" furniture at my local thrift store to find my new TV entertainment center.  Right now I have an old coffee table with my TV on it.  Not very "Posh!" (j/k that's not really how I talk.. haha)

The pictures below are what she found and what she turned it into.  I think her finished TV entertainment center is B-E-A-Utiful!

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I've already been twice already and I can't seem to find 2 lamps that match and actually work! But I won't give up. :)


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I find this idea so freaking cute - but it's extremely hard to find a sturdy wooden large wooden frame that you can drill into.  I find them with pictures in them and they are way to expensive - so this weekend I'm going to my local Flea Market to search again! (Finger's crossed!)


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I find so many old piggy banks at the thrift store and this is such a cute idea. :) Must try!

Wish me luck on the hunt!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Weight Loss Recipes with Greek yogurt!

So as you know.. I have been trying to loose weight.  It has been a slow process but I finally figured out my biggest problem. The food I was eating... It's not that I am eating TOO much. I am not eating THE RIGHT stuff! I recently told my boyfriend/best friend that I want to start eating HEALTHY!  Not just less calories - but healthy.  So we went to Costco on a mission.  First of all I have always loved yogurt, Greek Yogurt to be more precise and I've heard that it has so many other uses.  So here is my account of the ways I use Greek yogurt. Also believe me when I tell you - if something doesn't taste good - I don't eat it! I HATE HATE HATE bland food. God - just stab me in the foot.

Plain Greek yogurt can be used as a substitute for sour cream, mayo, cream cheese, ricotta cheese, cottage cheese, and in salad dressings.  I'm sure I'm missing a few more ways (if you're tried one that turned out really great I'd love to hear what it was - comment below!)

At Costco I pickup up these awesome tortilla which as shaped differently (Longer - not just round) than I've ever seen and they are LOADED with fiber - not just the plain white unhealthy tortillas.  I have use Greek yogurt in place of sour cream on those when making tacos! Yum!

Her are a few recipes I tried..

BBQ Shrimp Salad with BBQ/Greek Yogurt dressing(About 339 calories!)
(It was SO good that I've been craving it all week!)

Mine Had
-Romaine Lettuce
-Button Mushrooms
-Bell Peppers
-BBQ Shrimp
-BBQ/Greek Yogurt Dressing

So The dressing is BEYOND simple - For 1 large bowl of salad I used..
-BBQ sauce (about 1 tbsp)
-Greek yogurt (1 - 2 tbsp) and mixed them together
(Also - something I've always done - I water my dressing down - that way I get more of it, it's less calories and it spreads on my salad better!)

You could change up this salad in so many different ways - but if you're trying to keep it healthy I wouldn't add cheese - trust me - I can EAT ME SOME CHEESE but I didn't even miss it. :)

You could also add - Quinoa, any other vegetables, spinach or whatever comes to you! Enjoy!


Strawberry and Poppy seed Salad with Poppy seed/Greek Yogurt Dressing! (about 220 calories)

(Not my photo - just to give you an idea)

I used
-Romaine Lettuce
-5 large Strawberries (sliced)
-Chicken (optional)
-Poppy Seed/Greek Yogurt Dressing

Most of the time when you make a simple Poppy seed dressing you use mayo, poppy seeds and sugar.
Well I used.. (For 1 serving of salad)

-Greek Yogurt (About 2 tbsp)
-Splenda (about 1 tsp)
-Poppy Seeds (About 1/2 tsp)

Mix this together - and again - I water mine down to make it go farther with no extra calories.
I like a pinch of lettuce with my dressing..hehe :)