Monday, June 18, 2012

Dry Skin Brushing!


(Cellulite, acne, stretch marks, spider veins)

I just discovered the BEST thing that I want to share with you.  DRY BODY BRUSHING!

This website talks about Dry Skin Brushing as a way of detoxing your skin.. It IS our biggest organ and we need to take care of it!

The AWESOME part about the whole thing is that one of these brushes only costs about $6 dollars.  I got mine at

Earth Therapeutics Massage Brush

If you brush your skin before you take a shower each day ( I mean everywhere - face, neck, arms, stomach, butt, legs) not only are you making your skin heal faster and produce more NEW/FRESH skins cells ( making it look more young and radiant) but you are also massaging the skin reducing the appearance or presence of scars, acne, spider veins and cellulite.

I LOVE this!  Also, after I dry brush and shower - while still wet - I apply body oil to my entire body them pat dry.  It says to do this in that article but I have been doing this for years.  I have used baby oil (very cheap) or a cheap olive oil mixed with other good oil such as almond oil and castor oil. My skin just soaks it up!  I have noticed a major difference!  Give it a try and let me know. :)


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