Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Weight Loss Recipes with Greek yogurt!

So as you know.. I have been trying to loose weight.  It has been a slow process but I finally figured out my biggest problem. The food I was eating... It's not that I am eating TOO much. I am not eating THE RIGHT stuff! I recently told my boyfriend/best friend that I want to start eating HEALTHY!  Not just less calories - but healthy.  So we went to Costco on a mission.  First of all I have always loved yogurt, Greek Yogurt to be more precise and I've heard that it has so many other uses.  So here is my account of the ways I use Greek yogurt. Also believe me when I tell you - if something doesn't taste good - I don't eat it! I HATE HATE HATE bland food. God - just stab me in the foot.

Plain Greek yogurt can be used as a substitute for sour cream, mayo, cream cheese, ricotta cheese, cottage cheese, and in salad dressings.  I'm sure I'm missing a few more ways (if you're tried one that turned out really great I'd love to hear what it was - comment below!)

At Costco I pickup up these awesome tortilla which as shaped differently (Longer - not just round) than I've ever seen and they are LOADED with fiber - not just the plain white unhealthy tortillas.  I have use Greek yogurt in place of sour cream on those when making tacos! Yum!

Her are a few recipes I tried..

BBQ Shrimp Salad with BBQ/Greek Yogurt dressing(About 339 calories!)
(It was SO good that I've been craving it all week!)

Mine Had
-Romaine Lettuce
-Button Mushrooms
-Bell Peppers
-BBQ Shrimp
-BBQ/Greek Yogurt Dressing

So The dressing is BEYOND simple - For 1 large bowl of salad I used..
-BBQ sauce (about 1 tbsp)
-Greek yogurt (1 - 2 tbsp) and mixed them together
(Also - something I've always done - I water my dressing down - that way I get more of it, it's less calories and it spreads on my salad better!)

You could change up this salad in so many different ways - but if you're trying to keep it healthy I wouldn't add cheese - trust me - I can EAT ME SOME CHEESE but I didn't even miss it. :)

You could also add - Quinoa, any other vegetables, spinach or whatever comes to you! Enjoy!


Strawberry and Poppy seed Salad with Poppy seed/Greek Yogurt Dressing! (about 220 calories)

(Not my photo - just to give you an idea)

I used
-Romaine Lettuce
-5 large Strawberries (sliced)
-Chicken (optional)
-Poppy Seed/Greek Yogurt Dressing

Most of the time when you make a simple Poppy seed dressing you use mayo, poppy seeds and sugar.
Well I used.. (For 1 serving of salad)

-Greek Yogurt (About 2 tbsp)
-Splenda (about 1 tsp)
-Poppy Seeds (About 1/2 tsp)

Mix this together - and again - I water mine down to make it go farther with no extra calories.
I like a pinch of lettuce with my dressing..hehe :)



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